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A Panorama of Sonnets: with Other Poems

 Format: Paperback  Author: LaVern Spencer McCarthy  Category: Poetry  Publisher: Independently published  Published: November 28, 2021  Pages: 127  ISBN-13: 979-8769937682 More Details  Buy Now

The topics in these award-winning sonnets range from love to nature, from animals to memories, from nature’s intoxication to life in general—and like life, you’ll find humor and pathos, twists and turns.
Readers will readily recognize their own similar experiences through the eyes and skill of LaVern Spencer McCarthy:

A mother’s love of red roses, barefoot days of childhood, the comfort and joys of a loved pet, the thrill of finding that special person.

Then there are the “fat” and “skinny” clothes fighting in the closet, the “Oops!” of jumping over a fire, watching scary movies.

LaVern’s poems are so relatable they will touch your heart and mind—not to mention your funny bone.

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