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Dare (The Blades Of Acktar Book 1)

 Format: Audio Book, eBook, Paperback  Author: Tricia Mingerink  Category: Literature & Fiction, Religious Fiction, Teen & Young Adult  Publisher: Sword & Cross Publishing  Published: June 2, 2015  ISBN: 1943442002  Pages: 335  Country: United States  Language: English  ISBN-13: 978-1943442003 More Details  Buy Now

A Blade never fails his mission.

Third Blade Leith Torren never questions his orders or his loyalty to King Respen until an arrow wound and a prairie blizzard drive him to the doorstep of the girls whose family he once destroyed.

Their forbidden faith and ties to the Resistance could devastate their family a second time. Survival depends on obedience, but freedom beckons. How far does he dare go to resist the king and his Blades?

No matter what Leith chooses, one thing is certain. Someone will die.

Experience the adventure of the best selling Christian kingdom adventure series today!

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